we are the same,
the Night and I
blinking into the corridor—
nothing tangible here
when the darkness is in me
the fear goes
I stare into black;
a mirror
one entity
edges bleeding into thick shadows;
yesterday I was quick to escape
today I stop and wait
we are the same,
the Night and I
in moments of weakness
we lean in close
it’s all right
it whispers
I am here
open your eyes
in Night you can be as clear as day—
wear this cloak and tell me anything
your words will rest in this corner
and I will repeat them back to you
we are the same,
the Night and I
bending into shapes unlike ourselves
swallowing what we know
protecting what we love
pondering what we hate
we fear the accuser
the unforgiving eye
the demander of clarity
—the Morning.
stay away
the Night whispers
your time will come;
this time is ours.